Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Long Sleeve Shirts Now Available in Time for Christmas Gifts and Cold Winter Nights

Since we design tees for Merch by Amazon, we are at the mercy of the Merch by Amazon program to tell us what we can or cannot sell. And up until now, we could only sell short sleeve t-shirts. Which is fine most of the year, but when the weather gets colder, customers from the north want more material to keep them warm.

If you are confused, this is how the program we design t-shirts for, Merch by Amazon, works: We design the t-shirts and submit them to Amazon to be added to our account. We choose the title and description (we have to choose the right keywords so customers can find our designs). Then Amazon reviews our submission and tells us whether or not we can sell it. Once it's approved, the design goes live. A customer decides to buy one of my designs and Amazon prints the shirt for that customer and sends it to them. We have 90 days to sell the design or it gets taken out of the Amazon t-shirt database. If we do sell the design, we get a portion of the commission of the selling price. The shirt then stays in the Amazon database forever...or until they change the rules.

Our account has only been approved to sell the long sleeve t-shirts since yesterday. So we only have a few shirts live, but we will have more later, especially more military and police appreciation. Currently, they seem to be approving my Christmas designs faster than the others. All the designs I am showing you today are also available in short sleeve shirts too. So now you have a choice. Warm weather or cold weather.

Currently, there are only four colors for you choose in the long sleeve design black, heather gray, navy, and royal blue.  They come in unisex adult sizes. No kids...yet. Hopefully later. If you see a design you like, click on the title under the shirt, and it will take you to the Amazon page for the shirt. I hope you enjoy browsing these fun new shirts. 

If you are interested in any of our older blog posts you can click on the home page above or the link below. 

Sneak Peek at Christmas 2017 Tee Shirt Designs

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