Saturday, May 6, 2017

Tees for Mother's Day

So I know that Mother's Day is a week away, so I wanted to share a new line of shirts I created for moms and grandmothers. Plus it's on Amazon, so if you have Prime you can get them in two days after they print the shirts.

I had a lot of trouble coming up with designs for Mother's Day. Why? First of all, Mother's Day is one day a year. Who wants to have a shirt sitting in their dresser they can only wear one day a year? It takes up precious space. There isn't a Mother's Day season like Christmas or Halloween where you can get a month out of the shirt. Second, most of my shirt designs or sayings seemed very grandmother-y. They were dated. I needed something more modern and not so sentimental. I designed a few mock ups but I realized that I didn't want to wear them.

After many attempts, I decided on a text-only design. No pictures or graphics. It took a while but I found the correct fonts and saying. It's a shirt I would wear. Well the mom version. I also made versions for grandmas and different nicknames for moms and grandmothers. Like Mimi, Nana, get the picture. Plus you or your mom or grandma can wear the tee all year.

This one also comes in White

Hopefully you like it as much as I do. They come in three different colors - Black, purple, and dark heather (a gray color). The print is turquoise. I chose it over white (although the basic mom version also comes in white) because it looked more trendy and less generic. To find all the different versions of the shirt, click on a listing and then click on the brand name "Blessed to be Called Mom" in blue at the top.

Since Mother's Day is coming up, I priced them a little cheaper than I normally would (helps with the budget). I'll keep them at the $14.99 price point at least until Mother's Day. Yeah a Sale!!  Happy Shopping!!

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