Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Summer Camping

We are taking a little time off from designing shirts to plan for a camping trip. I know many of you are already thinking of back to school, but, here in Michigan, summer vacation lasts until Labor Day. We get to enjoy summer most of June, all of July and all of August. So we enjoy camping.

Perhaps not enjoy it so much as enjoy the memories of it. It's hard to go camping when you are the adult. Actually it tires me out to prepare for it, so I usually start the trip tired and am exhausted by the end of it. However, spending time with your family is worth the hassle. We have so many great memories of camping on Lake Michigan on the beach, hearing Tahquamenon- Falls from our tent at night, hikes into the woods, letterboxing on Mackinaw Island, finding yummy homemade ice cream shops, cooking dinner over a campfire, playing games as a family. These are memories we'll cherish after the kids have moved out and have families of their own.

We  here at 4Craig are tent campers. We would love an RV, but we don't want to go into debt to pay for it. So we use a tent. There's an argument about whether RV camping is really camping but for what we love about camping, you can use an RV or a tent. You can get away from your normal schedule and your normal life in an RV or a tent. Although, it seems easier to do in a tent, it's cheaper and you are not tempted to sit on the couch and watch TV because most tents do not have them.

We love camping so much that we even made shirts about camping -- RV and a tent versions. Just click here.. We may not be designing, but we don't mind selling shirts right now :)  We are also waiting for a new tent to be shipped here. It's instant so hopefully less arguments (not that we here at 4Craig shirts ever argue) and less time to set up our campsite.

What about you guys - Do you like to camp? Do you have any tips for us lowly tent campers? What is your favorite place to camp? Or do you like hotels better? I grew up in a hotel family so I didn't even pitch a tent until I was almost 30.

Have a fun rest of your summer vacation even if you don't have as long as we do to enjoy it. And for your viewing pleasure, here is our tent camping shirt for all of you tent campers:

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